AliExpress Appeal: Process and Handling in 2024

AliExpress is one of the best platforms to run your dropshipping business. Whether you have to buy things for yourself or run a dropshipping business, AliExpress can be your go-to partner on which you can completely rely. 

Though AliExpress is reliable and used by many people, you cannot always expect things to go your way. When running the dropshipping business on AliExpress, you will have to be prepared for everything such as fraud behavior from customers or suppliers, canceled orders as well as account deactivation. 

One of the best ways to handle such issues is AliExpress Appeal. But what is it and how can you use it your way to make your business run successfully through AliExpress?

This article will guide you through what is AliExpress Appeal and how you can make one. 

What is AliExpress Appeal and Why You May Need it?

AliExpress Appeal raises a dispute with the AliExpress. One thing is for sure, AliExpress is a buyers platform, and they favour buyers more than the seller.

This means even small negligence with your account can lead to an account deactivation or AliExpress may cancel all your orders. The appeal process on AliExpress can help you through all the issues with your AliExpress. 

When running a dropshipping business, you will have to be careful of a lot of things.

For instance, if your business is growing well and you are getting plenty of orders then AliExpress will consider this as suspicious activity and may limit your order or even freeze your account and cancel all your orders. 

If this happens to you, then be prepared with all the things as you will have to make your appeal to AliExpress. You will have to raise a dispute about what’s happening with your account and that you haven’t done anything suspicious. 

How to Make an AliExpress Appeal?

You will have to quickly make the appeal to AliExpress as soon as you face some issue with your account. This way it will be easy to recover your account before anything more serious happens. Before you continue, you will need a few things ready with you, including- 

  • You will need a picture of your credit card. When clicking the picture cover all the digits of the card except the last four digits.
  • Ensure the last four digits of the card numbers are visible while the rest are hidden. 
  • You will also need some proof of identity. For this, you can click a photo of your identity card, password, or your driving license.
  • When clicking the photo, ensure only your name and required details are visible and all the sensitive information should be hidden in photos. 
  • Another thing that you will need is your bank statement. Keep a copy of the bank statement of the last three months ready. 

Steps to Make AliExpress Appeal

Once you have the above details ready with you, you can continue with the steps given below to make the appeal on the AliExpress-

  • Head to the AliExpress website and sign into your account. 

AliExpress Appeal: Process and Handling in 2024

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Disputes and Reports option. 

AliExpress Appeal: Process and Handling in 2024

  • Next, select Appeal a Dispute option and continue with the process ahead. 

When you raise a dispute, you will have to upload all the required documents that we listed above. You can get in touch with AliExpress live chat and that will significantly increase the speed of the process.

When you talk to the live chat, tell them about the issue and also tell them that it’s urgent as it’s affecting your dropshipping business. 

Making AliExpress Appeal for Account Reactivation

If your account is deactivated by AliExpress then the process to revive it is going to be a tough one. Apart from the above steps, you will have to take care of a few more things and then you will be good to go. Here’s how you can do that-

  • First, contact AliExpress’s customer support team. You can contact them through the live chat. 
  • When you are making an appeal for the account reactivation you will have to provide the customer support team with the email address and the password of your account. 
  • You will also be given a security question which you will have to answer to verify yourself as the account owner.

How Long is the AliExpress Appeal Process?

The duration of the AliExpress Appeal process varies from account to account. It may take around 2-5 days for the appeal process to get completed. Sometimes, it may take even a week or more than a month to get the issue resolved.

AliExpress often delays the appeal so it can be a time-consuming process. The only way to boost the process is by contacting the AliExpress live chat once you have made your appeal.

Raise your concern in live chat and tell them it’s urgent. This will increase the pace of the process and you can expect the issue to be solved faster.

How Can One Deal With Appeal?

One of the important concerns that arises among many users is how can they deal with the appeal or how do they handle the AliExpress Appeal. Nothing to worry about, the steps given below will guide you with it-

  • Head to the AliExpress website and log in to your account.
  • Head to the My Orders section from your AliExpress.
  • You will see a Warning Sign for the orders with issues. If you have already made an appeal then you can view it by clicking on the View Appeal button.
  • You will now see all the appeals. If you see an appeal having a Want to Appeal button colored in red then it means that the appeal is pending. You can click on this button to make the appeal.
  • Once you do that, you will be asked to enter all the required documents that we already discussed above.
  • After you are done entering the details, you can click on the Submit button to raise the appeal.

Is it Safe to Make an AliExpress Appeal?

When applying the appeal for the first, many users may have their concerns especially about the safety and authenticity of the process.

With all the documents required to make the appeal, users can often be worried whether their documents will be safe or not.

If you are making the appeal through the official site of AliExpress, i.e., from the dispute section or the live chat, then you can be assured that the appeal is completely safe.

In case, you are raising the dispute through the customer support’s email then verify that the email you are using is official email and not a fraud.

Also, if you get an email regarding the appeal in your inbox then verify its authenticity before replying to it. Confirm that is the official email of AliExpress and then only reply to it or send documents if asked to.

Bottom Line

Making an AliExpress Appeal can be essential at times, especially when your account has been deactivated or if your orders are limited or canceled.

Many users using AliExpress for the first often face difficulties with making AliExpress Appeal. You can follow the above guide to know all about AliExpress appeal and also to make and handle one.

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