Tanzanians line up for voting in elections

Tanzania Parliamentary Polls: CCM sweeps Dodoma, vote counting continues

Tanzania’s ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has won all the ten parliamentary seats in the country’s political capital, Dodoma.

According to the results announced by the National Electoral Commission governing party emerged victorious against its closest rivals Chadema and ACT—Wazalendo.

Kondoa rural:Dr. Ashatu Kijaji (CCM) 37,795 votes, Yasin Shabani (CUF) 23,570 votes, Saidi Juki (ACT) 2,469 and Issa Swalehe (UDP) 10.

Chilonwa: Joel Mwaka (CCM) defeated his opponents with 39,557 votes, while ACT candidate Eva Mpagama came in at a distant second with 7,664 votes, Ngomoka William (ADC) 198, John Chigongo (Chadema) had 4,206 votes, Damaly Sheghana (TLP) got 75 and Mohamed Ramadan (PDP) walked away with a paltry 75.

Chamba: current Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Sports, Juma Nkamia (CCM) was declared winner with 50,223, Ngimba Akley (CUF) garnered 18,908 and 1,873 votes for Kataa Ibrahim (ACT).

The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Job Ndugai (CCM) was also re-elected with 76.89 percent of the vote in Kongwa constituency.

George Lubeleje (CCM) defeated his challengers with 74.46 percent in Mpwapwa constituency.
Mohamed Maje, Lubeleje emerged victorious Ezekiel Chisinjila (Chadema) who scored 11,048.

Kondoa Urban:Edwin Sanda (CCM) 13,333 votes and Ally Kambi (CUF) 6,783 votes.

Dodoma Urban: Anthony Mavunde (CCM) won the seat with 84,512 votes, followed by Benson Kigaila (Chadema) got 42,140.

Livingstone Lusinde (CCM) topped his opponents with 47,147 votes in Mtera constituency followed by Christopher Nyamwanji (Chadema) with 6,275 votes.

Outgoing Minister of Energy and Minerals George Simbachawene (CCM) has been declared winner Kibakwe with 37,327 votes equivalent to 81 percent, followed by Mzinga William (Chadema) who had 8, 447 votes equivalent to 18.45 percent.

Omary Baduwel (CCM) was also reelected in Bahi constituency with 48,792 votes beating Mathias Lyamunda (Chadema) who got 12,527 votes.

Meanwhile, counting continues, and the waiting goes on before Tanzanians and the world get to know the winner of Sunday’s presidential contest and their next president.

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